Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Two Things That Make Life Without Running Water Slightly More Bearable

  • Baby wipes
  • Hand sanitizer


Susan said...

hey J xo S & les Gang

photos please

Me said...

Yay! You made it!

Lisa said...

I gather you ARE living in a tent?

TexAss said...

Hand sanitizer is a brilliant invention. How is life without running water??

Maddie said...


When I go camping everyone always makes fun of me for bringing baby wipes but they all end up using them.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you are still with us.

Hope all is well, even without running water.

Susan said...

Hey J. (sounds like Ajay) how's that grizzly, coyote proof free range kitten pen with wheels comin". Hopin' the Gang is all tres OK and livin the free, fresh air, blue skies, no runnin' water life. We think about you "all" the time. xo S, Missy Dee, Bleet, Oliver and the FB (new name) Fussy Bastard otherwise known as Gus.

do you think you have it? said...

I love lists :)
Also: hand sanitizer is a life-saver. Where I work I often have to take money, which is to say, wet or dirty or naaasty money. I hear you.