Friday, November 19, 2010


Big number, huh?  That's the number of sexually abused children in the U. S., according to Darkness 2 Light.  Thirty-nine MILLION.  Million.  Mind BLOWN.  And I'm one of them.  One in six boys.  One in FOUR girls.  And that's just the U.S.  It's really tripping me out right now, I guess because I try not to think about it much, and when I do, I minimize (it could have been worse, I was actually kind of lucky...).  It can be a lot to deal with, and I don't think I've necessarily done a very good job of it.  I'm not an addict, not a prostitute (although I did come close).  There's still so much anger, so much shit that I don't know what to do with.  I need to call my therapist, and maybe find a lawyer.


Sass said...

That IS a big number. And an unfair number.

A lawyer, a therapist, a friend...

Something. ;)

Miss you.

Lisa said...

I can't even tell you how many of my friends have had that happen to them as kids. It is just God awful.

Jason said...

That is very sad...don't understand people like this that do this stuff!...Jason