Friday, February 20, 2009

Totally Uninterested

Since I'm not going to be at this job a whole lot longer, (yay! yay! YAY! balloons and streamers! flowers and rainbows!! champagne and get the idea) I've become a really horrible fuck-off. Like I wasn't working very hard before, but now, I'm totally doing bare minimum. My blog reading has increased substantially. There are just so many amazing blogs out there, so much fascinating stuff and fascinating people, is there a job where I can just sit around and read blogs all day? How do I go about creating such a job? But then, that wouldn't work either, since it would be my job, and inevitably I'd get bored, and my eyes would hurt from reading so much, and I'd want to be outside lounging in the sun or something. That's the trouble with me having a job, I really dislike the obligation of it: be here at this time, go there and do that, this must be accomplished by then. And there's the unending nature of it too; I have to do this for HOW long? For most of my life? Until I die?? Bleah, just thinking about it makes me shudder. I don't think other people necessarily feel this way, or maybe they do and they're just better able to discipline themselves and deal with the reality of it.
I'm of the opinion that life is short, death is long, and there's no guarantee of an afterlife, so you'd better make the most of whatever time you have on this planet. In someone's famous words, "No one says, on their deathbed, 'I wish I'd spent more time at work.'" and I couldn't agree more. I'm almost thirty-eight, I have a disabled spouse who will probably have a shorter-than-average lifespan, I need to start making the most of the time we have. And working a stressful, restrictive, dead-end job just isn't worth it. So, thankfuckinggod it's Friday, and stay tuned for further developments.


Sass said...

Oh, J. I know that feeling. "Short-timer's syndrome." You don't care because you know you're not there long anyway.

And you know what I've learned recently? Life is short. It changes in the blink of an eye, with someone's stupid decision, and I have to embrace every moment I have and not waste it on stupidity.

That's me today, in a nutshell...

Have a beautiful weekend, my friend.

Lisa said...

You just summed up why I quit working when I was pregnant with Marin. I miss the money but it would be worse to miss HER! Not to mention the others...

ms. bliss said...

oh can I ever relate to this post...can't wait to hear what feels right is short so enjoy and fuck stupid dead end jobs Sista!

Anonymous said...

I can so relate to what your saying (and I'm a man)! Great post.