Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm Probably Insane For Even Considering This

I'm seriously thinking about buying a big-ass tent, a decent heater, and a chemical toilet, and camping out on Mom's property for the summer. In Alaska. With three cats. And a shotgun, most likely, in case of bears. Yeah, plenty of reasons to question my rationality right there. For those of you who've been following along (and for those of you who haven't), let me explain: We were planning on moving to Colorado this spring. NSA's family is there, it's a beautiful place, and we have no real ties to Southern California. BUT, since my mom died, I've been in a strange and funky place (and I don't mean that in a Lipps, Inc. kind of way), and her property needs a LOT of attention before it can either be occupied or sold. Cleaning out the house itself is probably at least a two month project. There's also a travel trailer, two sheds, and an old school bus full of crap as well. Jesus, just writing that comes across so hillbilly/white trash, I feel like I should be pregnant and barefoot in the Appalachians somewhere.
NSA and I have been considering moving back to Alaska and renting an apartment, but both of us really don't want to have to spend the winter there, shipping all of our stuff is expensive, and neither of us want to feel trapped by decisions Mom made. So what's the compromise? What can we live with? Well, NSA is the disabled one, so if he feels that he can spend a few months in a tent, then I can too. If we get Mom's place into a habitable state, then good, we won't be stuck in a lease. And if the house isn't decent by the end of summer, then at least most of the trash will be removed and it will be in better condition to board up and leave for the following winter. Storing the bulk of our stuff is definitely less expensive than shipping it, and it leaves the option of moving to Colorado (or somewhere else) open.
I realize that for some, spending a summer in a tent in Alaska sounds a little bit like Hell on earth, while for others, it's a dream vacation. I know quite a few people who've done it, even in the winter, while building a house, working in fish processing, doing wildlife research. Not having to pay rent would mean that we could live on a reduced income, and in this age of cell phones and wireless broadband, of movies and T.V. shows delivered directly to your computer, it could actually be pretty comfortable. Or it could be a horribly bad idea that ends tragically with my face being eaten by a bear. I guess we'll just have to see.


Me said...

I envy all your options - once kids come into the picture, its all about them. Then you wish you would have done those things you could never do when you have them.

I say go for it. Maybe the house can beceome habitable enough so that you only have to stay in the tent a few weeks.

Sass said...

I'm actually...slightly...oddly enough...jealous at this thought.

I love that you're considering it.

Susan said...

It sounds like a grand adventure to me ... I would just be worried about the cats. Coyotes, wolves, bears and great big friggin' Alaskan eagles. Maybe you could build them a free range kitten pen on wheels.

Love from the land of ice & cold,
S, Missy D, Nessie Ness, Ver & Mr. Ocelot

Lisa said...

Wow! It sounds like an adventure. Is it not an option to clean a portion of the house quickly so you wouldn't have to do the tent?

MLou said...

It sounds like an amazing summer to me. Except for those bear part which make me think of Tim Treadwell. Just don't try to pat them.

Frank said...

My dad passed away in August and I still don’t have his house cleaned out. The junk is gone, it’s just the stuff that may have value to someone. I wish it was in Alaska. Good luck with your face… I mean keeping it away from a bear and all.

zipbagofbones said...

Oh. My god. That is my DREAM. I would LOVE to camp for a summer in Alaska. I camped the majority of the 2001, and it was the best, happiest time of my life and I would LOVE to be able to do it again. I say go for it!

Maddie said...

I think it sounds like a fantastic idea!